What is it about window tint that you like? Some people believe that window tint is for the purpose of aesthetics only but this is simply not the case.�The functionality of the window tint�is what is really important. Properly applied tint can reduce the heat in your car by over 60%. Tint can keep your�vehicle interior from fading�due to the exposure of ultraviolet rays which can also weaken the structure of the fabric of your car interior.
3M window tint�provides safety because windows that have had window tint applied to them can actually hold broken glass together and keep it from becoming airborne in an accident, which protects those inside from being injured.�Offers protection from the glare of the sun, as well as bright headlights from an oncoming car. So there you have it – the verdict on ceramic window tint is out and provides much more to your vehicle than you may have initially thought.